Red/Blue Barcoded cards for MkV

QtyEach (€)
Weight per unit: 100 g
Article code: WINFC_V Category:

Out of stock


Top quality (French) cards with long life. Fits only in Duplimate MkV (with hopper plate removed) and in the Bridgesorter. You should order the Standard Barcoded cards (JF600) if you have an older model of Duplimate or JF600_S if you have a MKV_S.

Note that special rates apply when you purchase a new dealing machine and that you have to order cards on the same page as the machine to get the discount.

Usable with Note
Duplimate Mk V & Mk V′ Hopper plate must be removed. Select card type: Original.
Bridgesorter (Prime) Select design: winFC